It’s another bright day. One summer, when my sister was visiting, I had the TV on and there was a weather person giving the forecast. My sister found it amusing. After all, she pointed out, what is there to say? “Hot and sunny today, sunny and hot tomorrow, outlook for the weekend, sunny and hot with hot and sunny weather predicted for the beginning of next week.” Actually, in recent years they have added that the temperatures are either “hotter than normal,” “normal, or “below normal.” Of course that presupposes that one knows what “normal” is. Here in the middle east the sun and heat are our permanent residents from some time in April or May until some time in October or November. And, as I have said in previous years, the first rainfall is met with smiles.
Our renovations have not yet begun. Two contractors have been here to see what we want done and to give us estimates on the work. Each spent a lot of time with us. One called us and said he could do parts of the work, but not all of it. The second has not gotten back to us at all. We have two more scheduled to come.
Of course with the end of the shmitta year coming up, I am very excited about the prospects of planting new flowers and shrubs and maybe even trees in our garden. The inability to improve the garden this year has left it looking kind of sad.
I also have been busy making yet another baby blanket. This one is for the adorable Mr. Elazar. The weather being what it is, I think he will be able to wait for it to be done without feeling too cold!
I am more aware than ever that I have a serious (and expensive) addiction: travel. We were away for 6 weeks and returned at the end of July. It is now the 24th of September and I really want to go away somewhere… anywhere. And the last few weeks have been anything but boring. We’ve had time with the grandchildren, visits with friends, two new little people joining the family, contact with old friends… It’s just this wanderlust that I have. I think about China and how happy I am when I am there. It is so very beautiful. I think of Vietnam and its quiet (except for Hanoi and Saigon) beauty. I think of Cambodia and the incredible temples of Angkor. And every memory makes me crave another trip even more!