We are still working on clarifying exactly what renovations we want to do, but we are very close to complete agreement. Then only item that is still unclear is one we only decided on adding within the last week. I am hoping that this week we will have a final plan and then can begin the process.
We had the pleasure of hosting a cousin of mine and her husband and daughter for shabbat. They are really wonderful people and we enjoy their visits a great deal. We were happy that as usual, our younger daughter and her husband and their daughter Kinneret were at services with us on Friday evening and very pleasantly surprised when our granddaughters Hadas, Lilach, Abigail, & Nomi came in followed by their mom and baby brother Yirmi (their brother Matan went to sit next to his Saba). How beautiful to see all of those gorgeous happy faces!
Last night we brought Sweet Pea and her parents home from the hospital.
We are on alert for the next birth… baby is due in 2 more days and mom is usually on time (this is her 6th!!!!!!)
And for the most distinctive aspect of this day– Today is the 9th birthday of the lovely Miss Dina Michelson!!