Despite the fact that each fall the holidays assault us week after week, it’s always sad the moment I realize that they are over. This year we kept a low profile because I have been coughing non-stop for weeks. Aside from children and grandchildren, we have had no guests. So when we put away the sukkah this morning, it was with a feeling of missed opportunities.
The days are already shorter and the weather is moderating and soon things will be back to “normal.” Next week we have a meeting with the woman who guided the trip to Vietnam and Cambodia last year about the logistics of the upcoming trip, a Bat Mitzvah (a granddaughter) and a wedding (the son of friends) and a meeting with some of the people who will be traveling with us to Vietnam and Cambodia. Now I am reading everything I can find on the subject and preparing my talks and getting together material to give out to the participants.
Another priority is making two more blankets for two more anticipated (b’sha’ah tovah) grandchildren- one due in December and one in January.
Oh yes, and the other priority: TO STOP COUGHING!!!!!!