I have had a request to talk a little about the simcha that we celebrated a little over a week ago. Avital, the second daughter and third child of my oldest son, is a very special young lady. From the time she was a baby, it was easy to see that she would be quick and clever and have a great sense of humor. She is able to be serious and study hard and achieve and she is able to stop and enjoy life. She has a wonderful smile and in infectious giggle. Here is a formal picture of Avital.

And below is the way we usually see Avital– with her glasses on and raptly attentive to what’s going on around her.

Here she is with her siblings:

Left to right: Elihu, Tzvi, Avital, Amiel, Elisheva, Dina
In addition to her siblings, she celebrated with her father and mother and both sets of grandparents and lots of lots of cousins. It was a very happy evening that we all will remember.
We all wish her a life filled with wonder. She should know great happiness, do things that are meaningful, give and receive love, and be blessed with a long, healthy life.
Mazal tov, Avital! We love you.