The Day After

It’s the day after Simchat Torah, at least here in Israel. We had a wonderful holiday season this year. The weather was perfect for eating in the sukkah. It was neither too warm nor too cool. On Thursday, we had the briefest drizzle here in Modi’in with the sun shining brightly and no clouds overhead. Today, as we were taking down our sukkah and packing it up for next year, a heavy rain came along, the first of the season, and our whole garden became a wonderland. Now in the bright sunshine, the leaves glisten.

You see, the last rain was sometime in the Spring. It was likely in March or April, and the desert sands have been blowing past ever since, so that even though we irrigate, the drips of water that land on the soil beneath the plants does not serve to free them of their dusty coating.

But today, everything is fresh and new.

And the rain really feels like a blessing.

May our blessings increase.

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  1. Rain, the blessing from which people run!