More happenings

It’s been a busy time. Our daughter gave birth to a baby boy in Monday night. Wednesday I brought her back from the hospital to her home where waiting for her were her husband and her 18 month old daughter who was running a fever. But nonetheless, I took off for home and packed my bag (unfortunately leaving out warm pajamas) because my husband and I were accompanying my oldest son, his son, and another grandson (the son of our older daughter) to Tiberias where our son was going to run his second marathon!

We drove to Tiberias which took more time than we had anticipated because we ran into traffic that was backed up for multiple kilometers, and by the time we arrived and checked in, we were ready for dinner. After dinner we went to the entertainment that is included at the all-inclusive “Golden Tulip” Tiberias. It was exactly the same entertainment was we had last year– the same young enthusiastic girl in the pseudo-military uniform (short skirt, of course) exuding charm as she ran slides that asked trivia questions about Israel and played a soundtrack with popular Israeli songs. We stayed about 10 minutes and opted for the room.

Our son and grandsons were in one room and we were in the other. We had forgotten that the hotel was blessed with neighbors (outdoor eateries) that blasted music until about midnight. In addition, the brilliant, energy-saving heating system that we had trouble getting to work blew cold air on us all night.

But morning finally came and despite the forecasts, the weather was perfect for a run! The start was exciting and the finish even more so as our son not only reached his goal in terms of time, but cut 11 minutes off his previous marathon!

We arrived home Thursday night tired, but happy.

Friday I had two goals: to make a really nice shabbat dinner and to help my daughter and her husband get ready for a shalom zachor. Fortunately, both of those things happened. My sister, who had wanted to learn to make potato kugel, was with me as I cooked which made it all much more fun. Helping with the cleanup at my daughter’s house (we’ve been changing her electric to three-phase which mean that the electrician has been drilling holes in her walls thereby making piles of dust) was satisfying and it gave me the opportunity to spend some time with my granddaughter and with the new baby.

In the evening, they made a lovely Shalom Zachor hosting some of their friends.

Today we went to a “Bubby-Mitzvah” of one of my friends. She chanted the haftarah beautifully and it was lovely to see her honored by the presence of her family and friends.

In the evening, we went to the engagement party of my distant cousin. His mother and I are third cousins, once removed, but partially because she lives here in Israel, we share a closeness and friendship that is very special. We wish the young couple, Avi and Shira, much happiness!

Oh, and the house…
Upstairs apartment now has tiled hallway and bathrooms! We still have no stairs. My sister is still sleeping on the sofa.

Life is anything but dull.

Two more things: Special thanks to my daughter Rachel and my son Akiva for their kindness and caring this week. I always love them, but this week, both of them showed themselves to be very very special people.

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  1. What simchas and what nachas. We should all have many more. My child number three, Yehuda is engaged to Orlee – a lovely young woman.