
I was thinking today about the whole issue of being honored– not by one’s children, but by a community, publicly. I was thinking of how people were chosen to be honored. Usually it’s because they stayed at a job for a very long time, or they contributed their energy and effort to a community, or they contributed a serious amount of money, or they accomplished something amazing. When they are honored, people come together and most of the time, they eat. Then there are speeches about how terrific the person is and sometimes people make jokes and often there is a big picture of the honoree either displayed or on the program for the event.

Now picture your average person. In the new world of employment, people often change jobs several times during a career. They also may move from one city or country to another. They don’t ever become the old community fixture or the one everyone knows because they are transient. They may do volunteer in the community. They may help people who are needy. They may be charitable and kind, but they are not recognized by those around them except, perhaps, family and friends.

So here is what I propose. I am happy to feature on my blog a picture and tribute to any person or people you may know who deserve to be honored. They need to be real people (no Mickey Mouses or other people who registered to vote through ACORN.) Editorial control is only mine. Requests should be mailed to drsavta@gmail.com

And yes, the honors are available posthumously as well.

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  1. Do they still have to be alive, or are posthumous honors allowed?

  2. If I’m understanding this post correctly, this so speaks to me. I’ve been frustrated for years by all the different feature stories on Olim. Invariably, publications pick Olim who are extreme successes – the person who creates amazing jewelry and has become a huge world-wide success, or the person who started an IBM-sized company, or the person who has become extremely (by Israeli standards) wealthy, etc. What about the “normal” Olim, who manage to find regular “ordinary” jobs, make friends, make a life for themselves here and are, by all accounts, extremely succesful in their klitah? I want to hear about them (granted, neither Morey nor I have “ordinary” jobs, but you know what I mean 😉 )!

    That ends that rant. Anyway, I think it’s a great idea. We all have or do something to be recognized for.